 {{TotalGuest()}} {{TotalGuest() == 1 ?'Traveler' : 'Travelers'}}  {{RoomObject.length}} {{RoomObject.length == 1 ? 'Room' : 'Rooms'}}
Room {{$index + 1}} X
{{x.Adult > 1 ? 'Adults 12+ yrs' : 'Adult 12+ yrs'}}
{{x.ChildCount > 1 ? 'Children 2-11 Yrs' : 'Child 2-11 Yrs'}}
Age Child 1
Age Child 2
Age Child 3
Age Child 4
Age Child 5
AgeChild 6
AgeChild 7
AgeChild 8
AgeChild 9
AgeChild 10
Select Nationality
  •  {{CheckInDayName}}, {{HotelCheckIn}}      {{CheckOutDayName}}, {{HotelCheckOut}} , {{NoofRooms > 1 ? NoofRooms+ ' Rooms' : NoofRooms+ ' Room'}} - {{NoofAdult > 1 ? NoofAdult+ ' Adults' : NoofAdult+ ' Adult'}}{{NoofChild == 1 ? ', ' + NoofChild+ ' Child' : ''}}{{NoofChild > 1 ? ', ' + NoofChild+ ' Children' : ''}} , {{NoofNight > 1 ? NoofNight+' Nights' : NoofNight+' Night'}}

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{{(Hotels | orderBy:sortType:sortReverse | filter:{Name:Byhotelname} | filter:{Add:ByhotelAdd} | filter:{Provider:Byprovider} | filter:{Offer:htlOffer} | filter:starFilter | filter:SupplierFilter | filter:hotelLocationFilter | filter:HotelChainFilter | filter:HotelPropertyFilter | filter:priceRangeH | filter:AmenetiesFilter | filter:ShowOfferFilter).length}} {{(Hotels | orderBy:sortType:sortReverse | filter:{Name:Byhotelname} | filter:{Add:ByhotelAdd} | filter:{Provider:Byprovider} | filter:{Offer:htlOffer} | filter:starFilter | filter:SupplierFilter | filter:hotelLocationFilter | filter:HotelChainFilter | filter:HotelPropertyFilter | filter:priceRangeH | filter:AmenetiesFilter | filter:ShowOfferFilter).length > 1 ? 'Hotels' : 'Hotel'}}
{{((ResponsesReceived / ProvidersList.length * 100) | number : 2) + '%'}}

{{hotel.Name | lowercase}}
 {{hotel.Add | lowercase}}

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{{GrossCurrency}} {{(hotel.MinPrice)*(GrossROE) | number: 2}}

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